Top 10 Waste Management Startups in india

Top 10 Waste Management Startups in india
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Top 10 Waste Management Startups in india

India faces immense challenges in waste management, with rapid urbanization and industrial growth exacerbating environmental concerns. However, innovative startups in the waste management sector are leveraging technology and sustainable practices to address these challenges effectively. Here, we highlight ten pioneering waste management startups that are making significant strides in transforming waste disposal and recycling practices in India.

1. Swachh

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Waste Management Startups

Website: Swachh

Mission: Swachh focuses on decentralized waste management solutions for urban and rural areas, promoting sustainability and cleanliness.

ServicesDecentralized waste management
Key FeaturesIoT-enabled bins, waste analytics
Waste Management Startups

2. Saahas Zero Waste

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Waste Management Startups

Website: Saahas Zero Waste

Mission: Saahas Zero Waste offers comprehensive waste management services, emphasizing segregation, recycling, and circular economy principles.

ServicesWaste segregation, recycling, composting
Key FeaturesCircular economy solutions, community engagement
Waste Management Startups

3. Karo Sambhav

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Waste Management Startups

Website: Karo Sambhav

Mission: Karo Sambhav provides e-waste management solutions, ensuring responsible disposal and recycling of electronic waste across India.

ServicesE-waste collection, recycling
Key FeaturesProducer responsibility programs, awareness campaigns
Waste Management Startups

4. Recykal

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Waste Management Startups

Website: Recykal

Mission: Recykal offers a digital platform for waste management, facilitating the collection, processing, and recycling of various types of waste.

ServicesDigital waste management platform
Key FeaturesTraceability, analytics, waste marketplace
Waste Management Startups

Read more -> Top 10 CleanTech Startups Transforming India’s Environmental Landscape

5. Blue Planet Environmental Solutions

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Waste Management Startups

Website: Blue Planet Environmental Solutions

Mission: Blue Planet Environmental Solutions focuses on sustainable waste management practices, including organic waste composting and recycling.

ServicesWaste recycling, organic waste solutions
Key FeaturesCircular economy initiatives, waste-to-energy
Waste Management Startups

6. TrashCon

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Waste Management Startups

Website: TrashCon

Mission: TrashCon develops innovative waste processing technologies to manage and recycle municipal solid waste efficiently.

ServicesWaste processing technologies
Key FeaturesModular systems, automated sorting
Waste Management Startups

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7. Green Worms

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Waste Management Startups

Website: Green Worms

Mission: Green Worms specializes in organic waste management solutions, converting organic waste into compost using vermicomposting techniques.

ServicesVermicomposting, organic waste management
Key FeaturesCommunity composting, eco-friendly practices
Waste Management Startups

8. Recycle.Green

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Waste Management Startups

Website: Recycle.Green

Mission: Recycle.Green promotes recycling and waste reduction through educational programs and waste collection services.

ServicesWaste collection, recycling initiatives
Key FeaturesAwareness campaigns, community engagement
Waste Management Startups

9. Waste Ventures India

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Waste Management Startups

Website: Waste Ventures India

Mission: Waste Ventures India focuses on integrating informal waste workers into formal waste management systems to improve efficiency.

ServicesWaste collection, recycling initiatives
Key FeaturesInclusive business model, social impact
Waste Management Startups

10. EarthSense Recycling

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Waste Management Startups

Website: EarthSense Recycling

Mission: EarthSense Recycling provides end-to-end recycling solutions for various types of waste, promoting a sustainable environment.

ServicesRecycling solutions
Key FeaturesWaste audits, resource recovery
Waste Management Startups


These innovative Waste Management startups in India are driving significant changes in how waste is managed and recycled, promoting sustainability and environmental conservation across the country.


Q: What are the main challenges in waste management in India?
A: Challenges include lack of infrastructure, informal waste sector integration, and public awareness.

Q: How do Waste Management startups contribute to a circular economy?
A: They promote recycling, reuse, and waste reduction, minimizing environmental impact and conserving resources.

Q: What role does technology play in modern waste management solutions?
A: Technology enables efficient waste tracking, recycling automation, and data-driven decision-making.

Q: How can individuals contribute to better waste management practices?
A: Individuals can practice waste segregation, support recycling initiatives, and participate in community clean-up drives.

Explore more about India’s startup ecosystem and innovative solutions across various sectors on Startup Magazine.

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