Redefining Connectivity: India’s Top 10 IoT Startups at the Forefront of Smart Home Technologies and Connected Devices

India has witnessed a flourishing ecosystem of IoT startups that are driving innovation and technological advancements across various industries. These startups are leveraging the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to connect devices, gather data, and create intelligent solutions that enhance efficiency, productivity, and convenience. With their disruptive ideas and cutting-edge technologies, these IoT startups are transforming industries such as healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, and smart cities. They are playing a vital role in shaping India’s digital future and contributing to the country’s position as a global leader in IoT innovation.

Here are some key aspects of IoT startups in India that are worth mentioning:

Industry Focus: IoT startups in India are addressing a wide range of industries and verticals, including healthcare, agriculture, transportation, energy, manufacturing, and smart cities. They are developing solutions tailored to the specific needs and challenges of these industries, unlocking new opportunities and driving transformation.

Technology Expertise: These startups demonstrate expertise in various IoT-related technologies such as sensor integration, connectivity protocols, cloud computing, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. They harness these technologies to build scalable and intelligent IoT solutions.

Innovation and Disruption: IoT startups in India are known for their innovative ideas and disruptive solutions. They are pushing boundaries, reimagining traditional processes, and introducing novel concepts that have the potential to revolutionize industries and improve quality of life.

Collaborations and Partnerships: Many IoT startups actively seek collaborations and partnerships with established companies, research institutions, and government bodies. These partnerships help in accessing resources, expertise, and market reach, fostering a collaborative ecosystem for innovation and growth.

Entrepreneurial Spirit: IoT startups in India embody the entrepreneurial spirit by taking risks, challenging norms, and bringing fresh perspectives to the table. They exhibit a culture of agility, adaptability, and a drive to create scalable solutions that have a tangible impact on businesses and society.

Focus on Social Impact: Several IoT startups in India have a strong focus on creating solutions that address societal challenges and have a positive social impact. They are developing IoT solutions for healthcare accessibility, water management, environmental monitoring, and rural development, among others, aiming to bridge the digital divide and improve the lives of people.

Government Support: The Indian government has been actively promoting initiatives and policies to support IoT startups. Programs like “Digital India” and “Make in India” have provided a conducive environment for startups to thrive, encouraging investment, research and development, and fostering innovation in the IoT space.

These aspects collectively contribute to the vibrant and dynamic IoT startup ecosystem in India, positioning the country as a global hub for IoT innovation. As the IoT landscape continues to evolve, these startups will play a crucial role in shaping the future of connected technologies and their impact on industries and society.

Redefining Connectivity: India’s Top 10 IoT Startups at the Forefront of Smart Home Technologies and Connected Devices

Leza Solutions

Founder: Prakash Sreewastav

CEO: Prakash Sreewastav

Year: 2014

Services: Specializes in IoT-based water management solutions, including smart water meters, leak detection systems, and water quality monitoring devices.

Entrib Technologies

Founder: Kunal Upadhyay

CEO: Kunal Upadhyay

Year: 2016

Services: Provides industrial IoT solutions for energy monitoring and optimization, enabling businesses to track and manage their energy usage in real-time.

Get My Parking

Founder: Chirag Jain and Rasik Pansare

CEO: Chirag Jain

Year: 2015

Services: Offers IoT-enabled smart parking solutions, including parking management systems, vehicle detection sensors, and mobile apps for hassle-free parking experiences.

FluxGen Engineering Technologies

Founder: Saurabh Lala and Amardeep Kaur

CEO: Saurabh Lala

Year: 2014

Services: Develops IoT-based renewable energy solutions, including solar energy monitoring systems, energy analytics platforms, and remote monitoring devices.

Ray IoT Solutions

Founder: Ranjana Nair and Ankit Prasad

CEO: Ankit Prasad

Year: 2014

Services: Focuses on IoT solutions for healthcare, offering devices and platforms that enable remote patient monitoring, medication adherence, and elderly care.

Cardiac Design Labs

Founder: Anand Madanagopal

CEO: Anand Madanagopal

Year: 2009

Services: Develops IoT-based medical devices for cardiac care, including remote ECG monitoring systems and smart wearable devices for early detection of heart-related issues.


Founder: Agnishwar Jayaprakash

CEO: Agnishwar Jayaprakash

Year: 2016

Services: Specializes in IoT-powered drone solutions for various applications, such as aerial surveillance, agricultural monitoring, and disaster management.

Zebi Data India

Founder: Sudheer Kuppam and Babu Munagala

CEO: Babu Munagala

Year: 2015

Services: Provides blockchain-based data security and management solutions for IoT devices, ensuring the integrity and privacy of sensitive data.

Uncanny Vision

Founder: Ranjan Kumar Parthasarathy and Navaneethan Sundaramoorthy

CEO: Ranjan Kumar Parthasarathy

Year: 2015

Services: Develops AI-powered computer vision solutions for various applications, including video surveillance, industrial automation, and smart cities, enhancing the capabilities of IoT devices.

Solgen Energy

Founder: Nikhil Jaisinghani and Mahesh Subramanian

CEO: Mahesh Subramanian

Year: 2012

Services: Offers IoT-based solar energy solutions, including smart solar panels, energy storage systems, and monitoring platforms for efficient utilization of solar power.